7th August 2010 A FINAL meeting with the working committee

It is simply amazing to see what started as 2 women's vision has become a shared vision for so many ladies and a few men for this upcoming International Women's Conference 2010.

On this morning, t-shirts for the working committee were distributed and we all gathered together to pray for every aspect of the conference.  After a time of prayer, Joyce came in to make sure we all understood each and every one of our roles and responsibilities from toilet duty cleanliness, to car park, to ushering, to sound, to powerpoint, to MC, to photography, to food and beverages, to decorations.

It was nice to finally put the faces to the names as many of us were working via email the whole time.

We know that God is going to do something beautiful during this conference.  He's going to break us from our bondages and free us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Ladies, let us love one another with the love of Christ.  Smile at everyone you see throughout the conference and bless each other.  God made us for His glory and to bless others.  Let us honour God by loving others as Jesus loves us.